FICT ZERO: A New Genesis Asset

FICT ZERO, or ZERO for short, is a genesis asset designed as a foundational core for all future ecosystems and universes to be created by Confiction Labs. ZERO holders will be at the forefront of an ever-evolving landscape and a new form of entertainment that has never been tackled before, pioneering Collaborative Entertainment.

It all starts at ZERO.

FICT ZERO is an invite-only genesis NFT that provides the holder with the right to produce and benefit from franchising any IP that Confiction Labs will develop in the future. This access to franchise rights will be an important element of the Collaborative Entertainment ecosystem that Confiction Labs is building. It starts with Riftstorm, the first of three games planned for the Rift Realm.

The goal of Collaborative Entertainment is to push the industry forward using a sustainable genesis design. Here are the three key principles of Collaborative Entertainment.

Strategic Collaboration

The goal for ZERO is to onboard key strategic people who can contribute to Confiction Labs and grow together — from zero. It’s the reason why FICT ZERO is invite-only. Whether an invite entails a direct one-on-one call or a deep, thorough application process, this method ensures that we have onboarded the best of the best.

However, we also need to design the collection so that it can grow, through collaboration, for its future sustainability. The way we solve this is through an algorithmic unlock over the next decade.

The total supply of ZERO is 888, and 333 will be released in 2024 by invite-only application. The remaining 555 will be distributed yearly based on how many assets are staked on average in the prior year.

[Year X Unlock] = [Min Unlock] + 2/3 * [Year X-1 Average Staked]

In which:
– [Year X-1 Average Staked] = FLOOR (Months staked last year / 12)
– [Min Unlock] = 1/3 * [Max Unlock] (in the respective year)

If [Year X Unlock] > [Max Unlock on Year X], the unlock will follow the maximum unlock allowed. This is enforced at the smart contract level to ensure the highest level of security possible.

The beauty of this design is that it enables our collection to continue onboarding new participants while the majority of holders are staking, increasing the total value of the collection. In the event that there is an influx of available assets in the secondary market, every participant we strategically onboard increases the floor price.

Regardless of in-market scenarios, the value of the entire collection grows, and we’ll continue to attract contributions from key people.

Genesis Franchise Rights

When we talk about growth, a common phrase thrown around in the community is “number go up.” The expectation of quick gains forces projects to design their assets with mechanics that push short-term growth while abandoning long-term sustainability. For example, a token airdrop mechanic might boost the asset’s value in the short term, but its design actually diminishes in value over time.

With ZERO, we combine the industry’s best practices and expectations of genesis assets (which usually revolve around future asset airdrops) with a unique system of “Franchise Rights.” Our system of Franchise Rights means that the only way an individual or organization can create a derivative or franchise business within Confiction Labs ecosystem is through ZERO ownership. ZERO ownership in turns allows a direct interface upon which a legally binding franchise agreement can be drafted between Confiction Labs and a ZERO holder, leading to sustainable value creation over time.

  • Short-Term (Pink): Initial value from the expectation and speculation of the project’s future success and its low-supply nature.
  • Mid-Term (Green): Values generated through the realization of some asset airdrops (e.g., tokens) and the vested value. This will be extended if the airdropped assets increase in value over time (e.g., price goes up).
  • Long-Term (Blue): The exponential value from the success of the IPs and the increasing demand of limited Franchise Rights.

This design allows the asset to capture the collective contribution of all existing holders and future holders’ needs.

Incentivizing Conviction

We hope to set a new precedent in the entertainment industry, which leads to more equitable relationships across the board.

To reserve ZERO, the holder candidate needs 0.2 ETH. After the reservation, it will cost 0.8 ETH to mint. The total purchase for the genesis asset at 1 ETH sets a high bar for participation in our unique ecosystem.

As part of our early incentivization period (48 hours after mint open) to celebrate pioneering supporters, holders who stake their FICT ZERO can earn back their ETH instantly. The incentivization is detailed below:

This means that holders who share our conviction will gain an appreciating FICT ZERO asset, at no cost, simply by staking.

Public Application

ZERO is an exclusive, invite-only asset. Until now, access has been granted through a meticulous selection process involving one-on-one discussions between the Confiction team and potential holders, prioritizing key strategic individuals. To guarantee an inclusive and comprehensive process, we are now expanding access through a Public Application process that will be available for all interested parties.

Stay tuned for the announcement by following our X: ConfictionLabs.


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