Access and Clearance: An Operative’s Guide to Confiction Labs’ Unique Portal System

In Confiction Labs’ FICT ONE, aka Occultical, the global organization known only as the Mythic Protocol stands as a coalition of secret societies and operatives who combat, contain and collate all things mythic. After encountering these otherworldly creatures, there have been individuals who have been exposed to and marked by the very powers they sought to contain. Over time, these powers, now called Stigma, have appeared as physical and otherworldly manifestations that must be tracked, surveilled and contained by the internal initiative called XPSR-24.

As part of its grand Collaborative Entertainment vision, Confiction Labs will soon welcome audiences to its Portal platform, which will immerse them in the vast world of the Occultical. With a game like Riftstorm and other media developed in parallel by Confiction, the Portal system will serve as the community gateway to new and exciting products, starting with the secretive XPSR-24 program.

Do you have what it takes to become part of XPSR-24?

Submitting Proof and Clearance Levels

Among the exposed are individuals with the knowledge, skills and abilities that can drastically turn the tide of our fight against mythics. To fully utilize their capabilities, they will need access to information, resources and opportunities. The collective capability of an operative will be defined by their clearance level in Mythic Protocol. Some of the exposed will be granted access to things not even other operatives are privy to. Such is their privilege as the best in the world. 

At Confiction Labs, you, your actions, your collaboration and your potential matter the most. To us, that means building a foundational layer of mutual trust and reciprocity. For those in the Mythic Protocol, this layer of trust is built on the individual clearances that are earned by each operative.

The equation is pretty simple: the more you trust us to show us who you are, the more we — and the Mythic Protocol — can trust you with higher Clearance levels and privileged access. We understand that the level of verification and interconnectivity we are asking for is not for everyone, and that is why these actions matter that much more to us.

With 11 publicly accessible levels to attain, Clearance Levels will roll out additional features and privileges over time. Access to top secret information, tiered discounts, airdrop opportunities, bonus in-game assets and other special privileges will be tied to Clearance levels, with varying levels of prerequisites. Key to unlocking higher clearance levels will be the Proof phases, where we’ll ask our community to connect and submit their credentials, starting with the big one: Proof of Humanity. 

Why Your Humanity Matters

The creativity of human minds is unparalleled. With an organization set on one goal, the fight against eldritch and cosmic horrors may yet be won. Gathering the best of the exposed together will give humanity the edge it needs.

As our world becomes more nuanced with the usage and integration of AI and blockchain technologies, the foundational core of Collaborative Entertainment that will drive it forward will be that of human capital: You, your perspectives and your truths are what we want to inspire and empower within our ecosystems at Confiction. You are not just another data point or number to be touted. You are and will be an integral part of the collaboration that will scale and shape our products. To this end, we want to empower you with the agency to engage with our ecosystem at your own pace.

From social media to other community platforms, what you choose to link to your account contributes to the variable Proof of Humanity and the corresponding Clearance you will unlock.

Creating a Strong Network

Being in a position to bring other talented individuals into the network or having the ability to discover diamonds in the rough will allow the network to grow exponentially. We need to be an organization that operates seamlessly from all corners of the globe. Operatives must know that they have friends in different places if they want to survive against mythics.

Proof of Network will also be made available to you to help increase your Clearance scores, allowing you to vouch for your friends and fellow operatives for access to our ecosystem. Applicants can invite people to join Riftstorm, spreading the word about the game, Confiction and Collaborative Entertainment. Each successful referral will add to their total score.

FICT ZERO holders can also refer other people to the network. Each FICT ZERO holder will have the ability to refer three people using a specific code tied to them. Successful FICT ZERO referrals will get a significant boost toward their clearance level.

Join the Ranks of the Exposed

Members will be at the forefront of humanity, helping inform the populace and equipping operatives to help them against the mythic threat. Their skills will be essential to growing our knowledge base, innovating processes, opening new technology, and supporting operations around the world. Not everyone is fit for such a task, but those who are will be rewarded and receive opportunities unavailable to anyone else.

In the coming weeks, shortlisted applicants will make it through to the Proof of Exposure phase. More details will soon be shared about what you can do to increase your clearance levels during this phase. Stay tuned.

To start your application process and improve your clearance level in the organization, log into the Assignment Dashboard at to provide Proof of Humanity and Proof of Network.


Read more about Confiction Labs here.

Read more about FICT ZERO here.

Read more about Riftstorm here.


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